
ain't nobody's got the shine like you in this world

I watched a nice movie tonight about a woman trying to record southern Appalachian music. Very lovely voices and old folk songs. I want to pretend my mother's mothers came from this place, and I'm just coming home. It's not true, but what is bioregion? What are we if not travelers across the many continents of this earth? I am a nomad by genealogical record and by my amazing human abilities to adapt and co-evolve. So here I am, in my home nestled between the world trees, the white pines, fittingly struggling against their predator beetle. We have baby oaks and birches, trilliums, pink lady slippers, partridgeberry, suffering hemlocks, jack in the pulpits, and so many rhododenrons. I get to pretend up here that I'm as isolated as those mountain folks who've actually been here through the winter. It's pleasant.

Today I made a lot of bread and granola bars, after weeding the raspberries for a bit. It was a lovely day after two late spring/early summer freezes, and tonight I can feel is warmer. The solstice is only one month away! What if we get an early freeze, what if there are only three or four months of non-freezing temps? You gotta pay the price for the extended mountain spring and incredible falling of the leaves a few months later.

I made plantain, comfrey, chickweed, and burdock seed oils yesterday. It was very pleasing, after all that rain, to finally catch these plants on a dry day. I also started some garlic honey, which is fantastic and amazing medicine, as well as some mandarin orange honey from a delicious mandarin's skin. I've read that infusing something into honey captures all the volatile oils and water-soluble nutrients from the thing, so lavender, rosemary, mugwort, all good volatile oil herbs that you can't really capture through tincturing. Honey is also a lot nicer than alcohol, I find. I'm excited to make herbal syrups. I miss medicine making. I really just want to grow a varied and planned vegetable garden and use most of my time growing the plants who like to be grown by me for medicine, particularly the ones who flower. ..A moth just died in my candle.

Been eating ridiculously well lately. Greens every day, nettle infusion every day to hopefully help my body cope with the cup of coffee in the mornings, eggs from the chickens every morning, boiled beets, miso, raw garlic, seaweed, etc. It's fantastic. I made apple cake last night, and it was great! I made corn bread the day before, and I discovered that corn bread is really good with too much butter on the bottom. I also have to say right here that I'm in love with black-eyed peas and corn bread. Addicted, even. I've also been eating these tortilla chips salted with powdered kelp and dulse, and they are the shit. Thank you, Amazing Savings. I actually feel really better, but I think the sun certainly helps.

Well, with love, and hope that our potatoes and beets and collards and brassicas are all doing well and getting their roots down deep at this waning of the moon, sending all that energy into the ground,
abigail, in love with mike :)


Anonymous said...

it sounds like a little house story
and yes you really are at the
mercy of the land but we all really are you just have the open land to
see it change at the weathers moods!!
You are a mountain doctor
feeding healthy life into your soul and all others around you

animasophi said...

Oh that sounds so wonderful! Thank you for posting that about the honey. Someone around the corner from the new house sells honey they harvest in their yard:) And my lavender plant is doing well. Just harvested 5 okra pods, 3 roma's, some romain, had to chuck my only cucumber:( got lots of basil for fried pizza:) I miss you bunches! love you